
Friday, 14 December 2012

Tribute to Uday Shankar

My first brush with Uday Shankar was while watching a black and white piece on Doordarshan called “Kalpana”(imagination) with my grandmother in law. The short film was mesmerizing in its use of light and shade and dance movements. The next piece was on the “Industrial revolution”, also a very interesting choreography. After that I became a regular lurker at all of the performances by the Shankar family. His legacy is still being carried out by his wife (Amala Shankar), daughter (Mamata Shankar) and his daughter in law (Tanusree Shankar).

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Tanusree Shankar Dance Recital

We went to a scintillating dance performance by the famous Tanusree Shankar Dance Academy. Needless to say it took our breath away. The lighting, the music and the choreography were beautifully executed. They performed a piece called “The Child”, which was stunning and inspiring. You can check out some of Tanusree Shankar Dance Academy performances on youtube, though the videos don’t really do justice to the actual impact of a live performance.